Overcoming the Waves of Overwhelm


What do you do when waves of overwhelm threaten to overcome your soul?

Overcoming the Waves of Overwhelm

If you haven't already had the pleasure of reading Marva Smith's words at Sun Sparkle Shine, please, let me introduce you to this incredibly sweet lady!  She is a dear friend who regularly brings me, and so many others, encouragement through her writing.  If you've already met Marva, then you already know you're in for a treat today.  This incredible lady from the British Virgin Islands brings sunshine to everyone she meets.  She has a warm presence that you'll notice in her writing- and she's the same in person.  

What do you do when waves of overwhelm threaten to overcome your soul?

On this particular day I sit in the silence and let the wave just crash over me. If it was an actual wave it’d be enough to drown me but it’s not that type of wave.

It’s a wave of overwhelm that floods my soul.

It threatens to pull me out to the deep if I don’t find something to cling to. It wants to drag me to the place where fears overtake and hope gets washed away.

But not today.

Today I will be an overcomer.

“Only one thing is needed.”

I hear those words and I breathe a sigh of relief. I come up for air and I know that I’ve won the struggle.

@@It’s exactly what I need to hear when hope is low.@@ When I feel overwhelmed and burdened.

The hope that I need is right there waiting for me like a gentle breeze waiting to kiss my face.

And honestly it brings tears to my eyes.

“You are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed.” (Luke 10:41-42 NIV)

Only. One. Thing. Is. Needed.

I need to hear those five words over and over again.

Oh, how I need for those words to wash over me.

Martha, the Queen of Overwhelm

My good friend Martha understands my struggle. I met her first in the story in Luke 10.

Martha and I are like twins. We relate to each other so well and think so much alike. In her words:

“Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself?” (Luke 10:40 NIV)

I think that’s a legitimate concern, don’t you?

“Tell her to help me.” (Luke 10:40 NIV)

That makes sense to me too. I would probably have added, ‘It’s just not fair. I need help and she’s not doing her share; if you talk to her I’m pretty sure she’ll listen to you’.


What about you? What complaint are you bringing to the Lord today? What injustice are you experiencing?

Lord don’t you care that…

…my husband doesn’t help me with the housework?

…my pastor didn’t take the time to call when I was going through a rough time?

…my co-worker gets all the praise when I’m the one doing all the work?

…I don’t seem to be losing weight no matter how hard I try?

…life is passing me by and I have no one to share it with?

…this illness is stealing my joy?

Don’t you care Lord?

These are all legitimate concerns. And I can’t pretend to know what you’re going through today. Yet, it is my firm belief that the Lord’s response is the same for you, as it was for Martha and as it is for me.

Only one thing is needed.

And what is that one thing?

To sit at Jesus’ feet and learn from him.

Instead of busying myself with many cares and concerns, the Lord simply wants me to enjoy being in His presence. To put my concerns aside and worship Him. To be satisfied with Him. To recognize that He alone is ENOUGH.

One thing is enough

@@You see, when I try to do it all on my own, I fall.@@

When I focus on why life is unfair, I falter.

When life becomes all about me, I sink even lower.

But when I focus on Jesus, He picks me up. He brushes me off. He makes me whole again. And He gives me just enough of what I need for that moment. No more. No less.

I don’t have to worry about what is needed for tomorrow.

Sure, I need to be responsible with my time and the way I spend my minutes. But God is taking care of all the details. I say this and I know I have to own it, because friends, I stumble. Often. I forget this truth that says only one thing is needed. But I’m grateful that He faithfully and graciously reminds me again and again.

Overcoming the Waves of Overwhelm

What about you?

@@Will you rise above the waves that threaten to overcome you?@@

There is hope, dear friend. And that hope is found in that one thing — the hope that Jesus offers when we dwell at His feet.

Wishing you blessings!

About Marva:


Marva is an island-living, sun-loving Christian wife, mother and wearer of many hats. Inspired by John 10:10 she encourages women to slow down and enjoy life to the full, brilliantly. You can find all the latest sparkle on her blog SunSparkleShine as well as Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and Instagram. Get a free copy of her e-book You Were Made to Sparkle when you sign up for her Sparklelights newsletter here.

Linking up with Deb Wolf at #faithandfriends (Friday), #GraceandTruth (Friday), Holly Gerth at #coffeeforyourheart (Wednesday), Susanne Eller at #livefreeThursday, Carmen at #salt&light (Thursday), Kelly at #RaRalinkup (Tuesday), and Lori at #Momentsofhope (Monday)