The Truth about God Working All Things For Good

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. —Romans 8:28


There have been a few times in my life when I’ve wanted something desperately.  I’ve prayed and believed for it, I’ve done everything in my own power to make it happen, and I’ve asked for help.  But the door to that thing I wanted remained closed. 


Does that mean God didn’t answer those prayers?

The Truth About God Working All Things For Good I The truth about Romans 8:28 I what is means for God to work for good I what it means to be called according to God's purpose I what does Romans 8:28 mean I Above the Waves II #christianblogger #trust…

Not at all.


For instance, when my husband and I graduated from college, we both wanted to move to southern California.  We really tried.  But we couldn’t find a job there at the time.  Eventually we made a decision to be happy where we were (back in our hometown) and my husband accepted a job there.


That job set him on a path that eventually led us to out current home in the Seattle area- and I can honestly say that I’m really happy with the way it all worked out. 


It was frustrating at the time to not have things work the way we wanted- but God’s plan was better for us.


Maybe someday we will live in southern California (if God leads us there) and we’ll see that God’s answer was, ‘wait’- or maybe his answer was a firm ‘no’.  I still can’t see the whole picture. 


The point is this: I know I can trust God to work everything in my life for good because I love him and I know he has called me to follow him. I know this is true for you, too, if you also love God.


God has a plan for you.  He knows what is needed for your good.  You can trust him.


How do I know this is the truth?


Romans 8:28 states that God working for our good is a certainty…”and we know…


That certainty comes with a condition…”for those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”


Do you love God?  If your answer is yes, you can be assured that he is working for your good.


What is the good that is promised?


The answer to that is found if you keep reading a little further.  Romans 8:29 says,


 “For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son.”


That verse tells us 2 things:

1. God chose you before you chose him.

2.  There is no higher good than to be conformed to the image of his Son.


The good that is promised is not always what we might expect.  We can still expect to face some really hard things.  But we can trust God.  He loves his people.  He is a good God.


“Because he is God, He is able to weave together every single aspect and event of your life to produce something good,” –Elizabeth George, Loving God with All Your Mind


Do you trust God? 


If you’re having a hard time and you need extra prayer for whatever you’re facing, please feel free to contact me via private message and I will join you in prayer.

The Truth About God Working All Things For Good I The truth about Romans 8:28 I what is means for God to work for good I what it means to be called according to God's purpose I what does Romans 8:28 mean I Above the Waves II #christianblogger #trust…

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Linking up with Deb Wolf at #faithandfriends (Friday), #GraceandTruth (Friday), Holly Gerth at #coffeeforyourheart (Wednesday), Kelly at #RaRalinkup (Tuesday), and Lori at #Momentsofhope (Thursday)

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trustDawn Klinge