Posts in resources
Christmas Gift Guide for Book Lovers

Have you started your Christmas shopping yet? I’m just getting started. I thought it would be fun to create a 2019 gift guide for those of us who have book lovers in our lives- everything for the person who loves books- except the books! Maybe, you’re the book lover. If so, I think these ideas will appeal to you. I’ve made of my top ten favorite bookish gifts to help you get a jump start on your shopping.

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10 Favorite Quotes on the Importance of Meditating on God's Word

I want to hide God’s Word in my heart. It’s life-giving, and so graciously given to us by the Author and Creator of the universe. One of the ways I do that is by making time in my daily life to study and read the Bible. Drawing on God’s wisdom is a privilege that’s made possible by the work of the Holy Spirit, who inspired each word contained in the Bible. The Holy Spirit speaks to us by illuminating our understanding of scriptures, transforming us, and helping us to apply God’s Word so we can grow in faith and become more like Jesus. 

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6 Daily Affirmations to Bring Calm to an Anxious Heart

I can still remember my fourth grade teacher telling me I was a good writer.  I had never thought about myself that way, not until that moment.  I believed her when she said it because I respected her. I’m thankful Mrs. Larson took the time to encourage me the way she did.  It had a lasting impact.  Today, I’m a writer, doing exactly what I love most.  She probably had something to do with that.

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trust, resourcesDawn Klinge
Mini-Retreats: 3 Different Types (and why we need them)

We all need to retreat every once in awhile.  A change of pace from the ordinary refreshes the body, mind, and spirit.  Different types of retreats serve different purposes, but I believe there are three primary types of retreats that all people need: solo, community, and Sabbath.  These retreats don’t need to involve large quantities of time or travel.  You can create mini-retreats, at home.  All you need is a plan and a few minutes set aside for this purpose.

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resources, faithDawn Klinge
30 Ways to Be Renewed: Body, Spirit & Mind

The ideas wouldn't flow.  I felt like I was stuck in mud.  It seemed like I had depleted every ounce of creativity and strength I had in me. As a busy mom and as a writer, I knew I needed replenishment.  Spiritually, I realized I was little dry, as well.  I wasn't satisfied with the stale routine I had going.  I had been checking off the "to dos" of Bible reading and prayer out of duty, rather than a deep thirst for more of God. 

I knew God's promises.  I've experienced his truths. I just needed to act upon them. 

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resources, faithDawn Klinge