Ink and Impact Podcast with Dalene Bickel

The Ink and Impact podcast with Dalene Bickel is a podcast for Christian writers who want to impact their readers. Ink and Impact will help you keep a pulse on the publishing industry, showcase Christian authors and their books, and share ways you can improve your craft and magnify your message. Whether you’re a fiction or nonfiction writer, traditionally or indie published, established or just starting out, this podcast is for you.

I recently had the pleasure of chatting with Dalene on her podcast about how setting can help authors narrow their niche. That episode is now live and I’m excited to share it with you.

You can read the show notes, listen to the podcast, or watch the interview on YouTube with the button below.

Dalene is a wonderful interviewer and listener, and she does a great job of asking questions and keeping the conversation interesting. I hope you enjoy the podcast!

Dawn Klinge