Posts tagged reading
Book Review: Starting Now, A 30-Day Guide to Becoming Who You Want To Be in College

My oldest daughter is headed off to her third year of college in less than four weeks. So when I received an email asking if I would take a look at a new book called, Starting Now: College is Hard - This Can Help, I was intrigued. The description states it’s a “30-Day Guide to Becoming Who You Want to Be in College”. The authors, Crystal Chiang, and Gerald Fadayomi, both have extensive experience working in student ministry.

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A Review of Emily P. Freeman's, Simply Tuesday

“True smallness is an invitation to live as I was meant to live, to accept my humanity, and to offer my ability and my inability, my sin and my success, my messes and my masterpieces into the hands of God.”- Emily P. Freeman, Simply Tuesday

Simply Tuesday, is a book that invites the reader to embrace the ordinary, to exhale, and to recognize that the kingdom work of God is accomplished in the small moments of everyday life.

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A Victorian Themed Summer Reading List for Young Ladies

Here is a list of summer reading designed for a young lady, centered around the theme of the Victorian and Edwardian time periods.  When I homeschooled my daughter in seventh grade, these were the favorites from her booklist.  Together, we enjoyed delving deeply into themes together- and for a while, we were immersed all things Victorian.  I have great memories of that year, so I'm sharing this list in the hopes that some more young ladies (and their moms) might enjoy these books over the summer.

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