Be Bold Girl: Daring to Hope

“I don’t really care if I get it or not. I just want to see what happens.”
How many times have you heard this phrase (or a variation of it) from someone you know? Maybe that someone was you. Did you believe it? Sometimes indifference is a mask for fear.

“Don’t get your hopes up.”
This is too often the response that many of us receive after setting a high goal. Why shouldn’t we have high hopes?

“Well, it’s all in God’s hands….”
There’s truth in this statement. God IS in control. But my feeling is, that too often, this phrase is used as an excuse, to avoid the work that’s required on our part, when we dare to hope for what we really want.


I'm guest writing for the #BeBoldGirl series at Rachel Britton.  To read the rest click here .

writing, faithDawn Klinge